Well I just can't believe my little princess is already one. Boy how time flies!! Well unfortunately we didn't' get to celebrate today as Peter worked a 12 hour shift so instead we plan on celebrating tomorrow and my friend Rita from MI will be visiting us for a couple of days... an added bonus to the celebrations!! Here are some pictures that I took of her today!
Today we also had our "get to know your teacher" primary breakfast which the children thoroughly enjoyed!! This was Ethan's first official primary activity and he had a blast. Currently he is asleep on the couch, and as you can tell from the picture primary is apparently exhausting!! My little cuties pies are getting so big!! Almost tempting to have another one.....ummm....no!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Look who's 1 today!!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Visiting Santa!
Today we took Ethan and Chloe to see Father Christmas. Ethan was a little nervous as first, but soon got over it when he got chatting about what he wanted! Chloe on the other hand freaked out and as you can tell from the picture doesn't care what she gets as long as she could get off his lap! Maybe next year we'll get a smile!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Christmas Quiz
Tis the Season to have a little fun! Feel free to post this quiz on your own blog to spread some Holiday info about yourself.
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper...keeps away the temptation to peek!
2. Real tree or artificial? Real all the way...I absolutely love the smell and it can be tossed out when it's dried out!..no storage needed!
3. When do you put up the tree? We try to find places(Christmas tree farms) where we can chop down our own tree so whenever we have the time we usually drive out to the boondoo's!
4. When do you take your tree down? When the iguana has demolished it from climbing up and down! Before new years for sure!
5. Do you like eggnog? NO! Although I had some good eggnog last night!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? I think when I was about 11 I got a cute pink camera from my aunt Tracy which I loved! Drove my family insane taking pictures!
7. Do you have a nativity scene? No but I would love to start collecting a beautiful set that I saw the other day. Pretty pricey so probably a piece or two each year!
8. Hardest person to buy for? Peter's parents!
9. Easiest person to buy for? Ethan, there are so many things he loves and he can never have too many Geo Trax!
10. Worst Christmas gift you ever got? I can't think of one.
11. Mail or email Christmas cards? If I have your address, you're getting mail otherwise it's e-cards!
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Charlie Brown!
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Throughout the year!
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Fresh nuts using a nut cracker!
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Clear!
17. Favorite Christmas song? O Holy Night
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Stay home for sure. Love having guest though!
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? NO!
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Angel
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? We generally open one on Christmas eve and leave the rest till the morning.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Advertisements for deals everywhere I look!! So so annoying!
Back again!!
Last night I was given a hard time about having not blogged in a long time, so I thought today I would make an effort to spend 10 minutes updating y'all on what our family has been up to! So here goes...
On Halloween Ethan started with pink eye and of course Chloe followed luckily we nipped those in the bud and moved onto colds and coughs and are finally over with all illnesses!! I personally rather be on my death bed than have sick children. As you can see Ethan will kill me when he's older and sees these pics!
One of many multi-uses for breast pads!(Thought you would appreciate that Rachel!)
Luckily we were all well when Thanksgiving rolled around and we had a wonderful time with friends and enjoyed a very yummy lupper. Sadly though, I totally forgot to take pictures so there won't be any in Chloe's album for a first Thanksgiving. Maybe I can twist Rachel's arm into redoing it! Ok I admit it, I just love to eat!!
So Thanksgiving has come and gone. Ethan is getting really excited for Christmas and so am I! I am obviously a glutten for punishment as I have enlarged my at home care and have started taking care of a 6 week baby! She is so sweet and Ethan loves to help out. Chloe on the other hand...not so sure. Layne spends alot of time up out of Chloe's grasp!
Ethan started pre-k this year and is absolutely loving it! He and Blake are in the same class so he really looks forward to school! This picture is from Ethan's first day of school. We were in South Africa for the first few weeks and I was worried that he would be a little shy, but alas I was wrong...he was so excited and joined right in!
As well as taking the regular pictures his school also had a professional photographer come in and take pictures of the kids outside playing etc etc.. so here are some of those...
I can't believe how grown up he looks...my little boy...not so little anymore!!
Chloe has also just changed so much too! She has 6 teeth, 4 on top and 2 on the bottom. She looks a little silly when she smiles because they are all at different stages of breaking through! For my South African readers she would fit right in with a Cape Coloured family!!
She loves her daddy's caps!
As I mentioned earlier last night we had our Enrichment Christmas dinner which was wonderful. I had a great time and enjoyed testing all the yummy homemade soups as well as the delicious dessert! The program included two musical numbers, a reading of the Christmas story from the scriptures and we all got to sing a couple of Christmas carols. There was also a neat "Gratitude Tree" which was decorated with little notes of gratitude for each member of the relief society. Mine mentioned serving in primary which I am truly grateful for. I love serving in primary and love to watch the children learn and grow. Ethan will be a sunbeam next year and I am so excited to be able to watch his knowledge of the gospel increase because of the wonderful primary program.
I am also grateful for a wonderful family and of course my wonderful husband who always reminds me how important our eternal family is. He spoilt me yesterday with a bouquet of beautiful roses!
Thats about all our family has been upto these past two months! I am really looking forward to the next few months as my dad will be visiting and so will Peter's parents. But before all that takes place I plan on enjoying the Christmas season, keeping our Saviors birth first and foremost in my mind. Have a great weekend and I promise I will be back soon!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Halloween 07'
Finally the long awaited tradition of Halloween has come and gone! Ethan has been waiting for weeks to go "trick or treating", so what a relief it was to tell him the day had finally arrived!!
Unfortunately as you can see from some of the pictures, he was a little under the weather...actually we are thinking that he may have pink eye...not so pretty! We thought at first it was allergies, but we fear we are wrong!
Anyways he still had a great time and to me it seemed like they were out with Daddy for hours collecting candy. Of course Bob and CC,(Carolyn...that's what Ethan calls her)our neighbors totally spoiled Ethan and Chloe with a fun Lightning McQueen and Mater toy and a huge soft pink pig for Chloe with some yummy baby food treats...so cute and thoughtful!!
Peter said Ethan had a great time but near the end of their trick or treating adventure their conversation went something like this:
Ethan: (Knocking on their final door) Daddy I want to full my basket up all the way to the top.
Peter: Ok Ethan...you are almost there!
Ethan: Daddy...I think we should head home.
Peter: Ok Ethan...
Ethan: (Heading towards home taking into consideration we live on some serious hills) Daddy...I am out of gas.(gesturing his basket of candy towards Peter who is already holding Chloe)
Peter: Well do you want me to hold your basket?
Ethan: Yes please Daddy.
Few seconds later as they start their descent down Poage....
Ethan: Daddy I am really out of gas...
Peter: Ok I will carry you then...
Lets just say Peter had worked up a sweat by the time they got home. I love my husband...he is the best daddy in the whole world and goes out every year with the kids even if he is operating on very little sleep and has to be back at work at midnight!!
So here are some pics from our night of fun as well as some pics from Ethan's pre-school party. It was so cute....lets just say Woodway is one safe place as there are a lot of Spider Men around!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Umgeni Bird Park
Some more pictures from our vacation to South Africa. The Umgeni Bird Park is in walking distance of my parents home. Of course we would never in a million years walk there...just not safe!! Anyways, it's one of my favorite places to visit as a tourist. I think I had my 8th, 9th, and 10th birthday parties there! We had a great time and met the prettiest and most unusual looking birds!
There is a picture of a women holding an owl. That owl managed to hit me in the head. Ever so softly...Ethan sure enjoyed it!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Natal Sharks Board
Not only did we get to see live Sharks, but we also got a very hands on biology dissection of a rare(as in a rare catch!) Blue Shark. Ethan was able to show everyone were the sharks heart was(didn't think they had one!!)and earned himself a bag of sharks teeth! Just in case you may think this is inhumane let me make this point. They don't actually go out and purposely catch the sharks, these sharks that they dissect are unfortunately caught in the sharks nets which line our beautiful beaches making it fun for us to swim. Over the years they have greatly improved the nets thus greatly decreasing the amounts of sea life like sharks, turtles and dolphins from coming close enough to get caught.
Sadly the sharks tummy was empty, usually there are all sorts of goodies like number plates and soda cans! Just like I suspected...their hearts are tiny! There is a picture of the guy holding a sharks jaw...hope I never experience being in one of those, their teeth are razor sharp, there are hundreds of them and they are facing the wrong way so they are designed to not let go!! I think Ethan enjoyed seeing the live sharks more than this one!
Finally....the rest of our trip to South Africa!
Ushaka was one of Ethans favorite places we visited. He got to see dolphins and sharks as well as penguins and zulu dances! We also joined Grandma, Papa and Aunt Sarah for lunch at a yummy restuarant(the name has slipped my mind!) looking over the ocean! Now I am even more excited to take Ethan to Sea World judging from his excitement at UShaka!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Ode To Autumn
by John Keats
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;
To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For Summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells.
Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?
Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find
Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,
Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;
Or on a half-reap'd furrow sound asleep,
Drows'd with the fume of poppies, while thy hook
Spares the next swath and all its twined flowers:
And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep
Steady thy laden head across a brook;
Or by a cyder-press, with patient look,
Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours.
Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they?
Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,--
While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day,
And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue;
Then in a wailful choir the small gnats mourn
Among the river sallows, borne aloft
Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;
And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;
Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft
The red-breast whistles from a garden-croft;
And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Yesterday our family spent the afternoon and evening at the Heart of Texas Fair and Rodeo. We all had such a fun time and Ethan just couldn't stop telling us how much fun he had on our way home! We only made it home by 10:45pm, so you can only imagine how exhausted we all were. Ethan was such a trooper, he went on several kiddie roller coasters and even rides I thought he wouldn't like, but he screamed with his dad and threw his arms in the air!!
Chloe and I hung out and watched Ethan and Peter spin around and around one ride after another! Ethan even loved the Ferris Wheel...that's one ride you won't catch me on! If you haven't had the chance to go yet, I totally suggest you take your kids and prepare yourselves for a day of fun! Oh..make sure you take your wallet with plenty of cash!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
General Conference
This weekend our family spent quality time together enjoying listening to the teachings of our beloved Prophet President Gordon B. Hinckley and many of our other leaders. I am sure those of you with small children have a similar experience as we did, sometimes only hearing every other word or sentence, but we try to resolve any disturbances and keep focused.
Well I have to share just the funniest experience we had today watching President Hinckley. We had made a comfy area for all of us to sit on the floor by laying a futon cushion down in front of our desktop computer. Chloe followed protocol and took a nap and so it was just Pete, myself and Ethan. We were all listening and then the inevitable happened, the screen saver decided to take over. Ethan then made the following comment:
"Daddy...where did God go?"
Peter and I laughed for a good ten minutes!
The interesting thing is that that was the first and last time the screen saver had come on the entire time we had watched conference, including both Saturday sessions!
Kids do say just the cutest things. If you are interested in watching a church DVD with kids making funny gospel comments try checking out "Out of the mouth of babes" If you look carefully you might be able to spot my husband...he was a Sunbeam!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
A day in the life of a South African!
Our family is finally home safe and sound after a wonderful 6 weeks in South Africa. We arrived home last Monday at about 2:30am after a long flight and what seemed an even longer drive home! I kinda messed up and thought Ethan started school on the Monday so I got everyone up at 7am only to realize thanks to Laura that Ethan's school days were Tuesday/Friday! I knew that but I guess in this instance I can blame jet lag, time difference, and vacation brains for the error! Anyways the children took a nap at 2:30pm and of course Peter and I lay down too(Pete had to go to work at midnight!). Well 7am the next morning Chloe and Ethan finally stirred. Yip that's right they slept approx. 16 hours straight! Anyways I still have plenty pictures and adventures to record from our trip...I haven't had the opportunity to sit down and do it yet but I will.
Now here comes the not so great part about this posting. When we left SA I was excited to find out that we were on the same flight as one of my bestest high school friends Lyndy and her fiance Jason. We didn't really chat during the flight as they don't have children so they slept. We had dinner together before the flight in Jo'burg and when we arrived in Paris we went out for a hot chocolate. It was so nice to catch up with Lyn's and it seemed like only days had gone by since I last saw her even though it has been 8 years!
Well once home I emailed her to say Hi and to find out how the last leg of her flight from Paris to Birmingham went. Their flight was great but unfortunately Jason's family had a crisis in SA and so he basically had to go back home again. Below is an account of what happened to his mother. This may be shocking to some of you, but to most South Africans this is a daily occurrence. While I was home a young mother of 28 was stabbed to death in front of her 2 month old baby. The neighbors called the police because they could hear the baby crying. This was about a 7 minute drive from my parents home. Here is J's moms account of that day:
18 September 2007
I had a busy Tuesday planned and was getting ready to leave my home early in the morning. Jackie, our Jack Russel was barking away as she does when we have visitors. I looked up the staircase and as I did not see anyone there, to my regret, I ignored her warning.
I set the alarm and left the house. As I just locked the door, I remembered a file I had left behind and went back in to get it. I had opened my office door (which is why I had my house keys in my hand). I then set out to leave again. I locked the office door and in the short passage to the front door, I was suddenly confronted by a black man. It was just so unexpected. I think I screamed and I thought he was trying to cover my mouth, but he had actually stabbed me. I realized no one would hear and I realized I was in big trouble. He asked for my bag and I gave it to him and became very docile. He then grabbed me by the arm and led me to the lounge where he instructed me to hand him the money from my wallet and the cell phone. I saw the knife, a silver, all-in-one carving knife in his hand and noticed how much blood was on it. “that’s a lot of blood” I thought and realized I was in trouble. At this stage there was no pain. He then took my one ring off and then my watch. As he took each item he carefully put it into pockets in his pants that had several zips and closed each zip purposefully. No need to hurry. When he asked for my wedding/engagement ring, I just couldn’t give it to him. It has so much meaning to me. By this stage my head was bowed and I looked down. I mumbled something about my daddy dying and that my ring was all I had to remember him. For some reason he lost interest in the ring and started feeling all over my body. It appeared that he was looking for hidden money. Then he sifted through every pocket in my handbag.
He asked me for my ATM card and the pin number. I wrote down a pin number that I use on a regular basis, but not the pin number of the card. It was a number I could have repeated later if that was part of his process. At this stage I hoped he would leave as he now had money and jewelry. He swore at me all along and asked for gold. It was very hard to understand him as he spoke very broken English. I just said, “I don’t understand.” So he hauled me up and “come, come” and led me to the bedrooms. I felt that things could only get worse now. He was calm and looked like he was in for the long haul. I started to realize that I could get raped and killed slowly and no one would even know. I had little strength to fight him off.
I still had my keys in my hand so I unlocked the office door. I told him – “this is the office” and he seemed keen to go in there. I moved directly to my chair and started opening drawers. He picked up a folder and started going through the contents. I noticed he was not looking at me and I pressed the panic button. I knew I was taking a risk and that he could attack me again, but the desk was between us and I thought I could use my chair as a shield. He chose to flee.
I hurried to the office door and locked it and waited for the armed response call. I knew it was silly to tie up the line by trying to phone but I cannot tell you how long that wait seemed. Blue phoned and then everything unfolded with the professionalism that anyone could want from the support systems. The operator kept me on the line even though I felt like fainting. I managed to unlock the office door when I heard the house siren over the operator’s phone. Then I collapsed. The Netcare paramedics were there just as quickly and before I realized it, I was on a stretcher and on the way to hospital.
The knife went in under my left arm, damaged the lung, cut the spleen and made a hole in my diaphragm. My intestines pushed up through this hole.
At hospital the knife wound was stitched up and I was sent to X-rays. This confirmed a collapsed lung so tubes were put into my chest to help re-establish the vacuum required for lungs to work. These tubes are attached to a bottle of water so that air can go out but not back in.
I continued to complain about a dull ache just under my diaphragm. I was sent for a CAT scan which confirmed the further damage. I was rushed to surgery.
In my first 24 hours I had a nurse in my room all the time. I had a surgical cut from my breast bone to under my belly button, tubes out of my chest, a catheter, monitors, a drip and I basically lay dead still, half sitting for that time. I could talk, but was pretty much in shock.
The next few days saw me get better and slowly reawaken bits of me, one at a time.
By Sunday, the doctors deemed me well enough to go home. I could walk and eat. My lungs had regained most of the capacity lost. The healing of the body and heart now has to happen with those who love me.
The same Tuesday evening my niece had three black youths walk into their lounge and threatened them at knife point (in Pinetown). At home were my niece, her husband, their baby and his parents. They managed to make enough noise so that someone in the house set off the panic button.
On Tuesday evening my nephew had his car broken into and their radio stolen. The car was parked in their yard.
On Friday my daughter-in-law had an attempted smash-and-grab/hijacking at the Mount Edgecombe robots at the N2. Luckily they had protection on the windows but he smashed repeatedly and got his hand through. It was just my daughter-in-law and my grand daughter in the car. Luckily she held her head and just drove off dragging the attacked along until he let go.
This experience was NOT OK. I think the least I can ask for is a safe home and environment in which to live. What’s to be done next will have to wait for me to feel stronger.
But I come out of this experience with my faith in human kind, not just restored, but enlarged. The stories of support and well wishes will take many more pages to fill than the report of the attack. To everyone for your thoughts and prayers, thank you.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Lunch on the beach with Daddy!
Ethan loved having his lunch on the beach with Aunt Sarah and I that he requested we also take Daddy to have lunch on the beach. With the Snake park being right ther we couldn't pass up the opportunity!
Ethan also enjoyed watching the mounted police go by!
Fitzsimons Snake Park

We got to see some of the meanest and friendliest snakes alive and enjoyed a presentation showing off a green mamba and some other extremely poisonous snakes. Apparently their venom had not been removed but the snakes apparently get used to being handled.

Thursday, August 30, 2007
Winter in Durban, South Africa
Today we ventured to the beach for lunch. My sister took us to this awesome restaurant right on the beach. Now when I say "Right on the beach"....I mean literally on the beach! The weather was absolutely beautiful and Ethan had a great time digging his toes into the warm sand!
Beautiful scenery!
Ethan made a buddy and together they built sand castles.
Chloe eventually woke up and also wanted to enjoy the sunshine too!
Chloe discovered her 50% African roots today as she tried her first piece Biltong. For those of you who don't know what is it....basically dried raw meat....sounds gross but it is absolutely delicious and Chloe agreed! The best teething food in the world!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Being Silly!
Aunt Sarah-Jane and Ethan still in thier Jammies!
Look out it's Spider Man.
Chloe trying out our abnormal accessories from Aunt Sarahs 21st! The flashing sunglasses were a huge hit!
Chloes daily washing machine watching!
Isn't she just the cutest devil you have ever seen!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
My sister Sarah-Janes 21st Finally arrived and after spending many days shopping and finalizing plans to big night arrived! The event took place at the Hilton Hotel in the Polo Room. I managed to finally find a dress an hour before the party and shoes to match! My mom managed to find some beautiful jewelry as we were walking out of the mall round about the same time we were supposed to be dressed and leaving for the party! I guess things never change!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
A visit to the Animal Farm With Tanya and the boys!
Today we took a drive to a nearby animal farm where some of the animals like kids, pigs, chickens, roosters and peacocks roam free! Ethan and Matthew had a grand time playing with and touching the animals and also playing on the jungle gym! Their ultimate favorite part was chasing the poor roosters and chickens and a giant duck around. I was waiting for the duck to turn around and chase them, but alas that didn't happen. Chloe also enjoyed seeing all the animals especially the roaming fowls. She let out a squeal of delight every so often, and Nathan kept on being hounded by the pig that was roaming around which he did not enjoy too much. They fed the boroughs. This one made a noise I have never heard before and boy was it loud!
Ethan rode the pony who he called "Arrow" from his Howdy Town DVD. Milked a cow!
Got chased by a couple of kids!
And the pig with the longest snout I have ever seen!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Spending time with family!
My aunt Tracy and my cousins Maddy, Benj and Michaela and little Chloe getting all the attention her heart desires!
Meal time without a high chair presents several problems!
I never thought I would see the day when my cousins and my children would play together!
Aunt Sarah and her little Pookee!