Thursday, August 21, 2008

Pre-K Prep...

It's absolutely amazing to me how quickly time flies by.  Just yesterday we were preparing for the summer, planning fun summer activities like gymnastics and vacations to California to visit and celebrate with family and friends. 

Wtih summer drawing to a close Ethan will be starting Pre-K next week and like many young children(can't say the same for teenagers!!) he is extremely excited.  So excited that I had to come up with a way for him to keep track of how many more days or as he says "sleeps" until school starts on his own. 

So yesterday we got out some poster board and made a pre-k countdown caterpillar.  When I was a kid if there was anything major that I was excited for I would make a caterpillar and attach it to the bed above me so every morning when I woke up, the first thing I would do is take away a segment.

So Ethan and I created his own countdown caterpillar and this morning he was so excited to wake up and colour in another segment.  I was really impressed with a little trick he showed me. I don't know where he learnt it, but to help him stay in the lines he puts his free hand on the line and lets the crayon bump into it.  I was quiet impressed!

Not only does the caterpillar help visually remind him, but he has been able to apply some math skills by counting how many days left and after two more are colored in he will only have three days left.  Something so simple, has proven to be so much fun! 

I would love to have posted a picture, but my camera is broken.


Larry said...

I am excited that school is starting too. Eric has been expressing sentiments of desire to go to school. He doesn't come right out and say that he is excited, but I believe he is.

I like the idea of using your hand as a margin to keep in the lines. I will have to try that.

Leah said...

What a fun idea. Claire and Hallie are constantly asking how many days. I should have done that a week or two ago! He'll have so much fun. Claire had Mrs. Coley for a few weeks at South Bosque. Who does Ethan have?


Mrs. Coley is teaching both pre-k classes this year as her daughter is now a kindergartener. She seemed very nice and Ethan really liked her!

Anonymous said...

This is a comment of questions I am so confused about:
#1 Who is you have a kid I don't know about?
#2 how do you know Leah? She is one of my good friends sisters?
Okay I guess those are the only questions I have but those are some good ones I think!