Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ethans first week of Pre-K!

Ethan's first week at South Bosque has been a huge hit! He absolutely loves it and was mad that today was Saturday and there is no school!!!

We were out having dinner last night and of course asked Ethan about his day at school. He gave us the low down on everything he did and also mentioned that they start the day off by saying the pledge of allegiance. I was most intrigued about how much he knew. He mentioned that they did that at his last school. So I asked him how it goes and....Peter and I were blown away that he could recite it word for word from the beginning, right to the end. Lets just say we are very proud parents and I guess I better learn it asap huh!

1 comment:

mistyp said...

That's amazing he can say it all. Glad he likes school so much!