Saturday, March 17, 2007

Off to Dallas we go

On Thursday I had my ear doctor appointment in Dallas so we decided to make a day of it. We started out early in the morning at 6am. First on the agenda was of course the doctor. Unfortunately surgery is the only option so I will be doing that in April. The good news is that there is no nerve damage and I won't suffer any more hearing loss. After the doctor we decided to visit the Dallas Temple. We had Chloe and Ethan with us so we couldn't go in, but we admired the beautiful building and exquisite gardens just filled with tulips! As you can see Teddy came too!

After the Temple it was lunch time and then we headed over to the zoo. We had forgotten that it was spring break as we don't have any school-aged children yet, so you can just imagine how crazy the zoo was. We had a great time and just enjoyed being out in the warm sunshine! By the time we left the zoo it was 5pm so we started in the direction of home, stopped for some dinner at Cheddars and then finally arrived home. We had a great time.(minus the doctor!)


karin said...

Aside from the surgery, I am jealous. Looks like you had a great day.

*What surgery are you having?*

mistyp said...

Hope your ear is okay. I had major ear problems as a child. My mom almost lost all hearing in one of her ears, too. Now Briel keeps getting ear infections. Hope she's not going to follow in our footsteps!