Saturday, February 16, 2008

Pardon the Interuption

OK. My wife is going to kill me for doing this. Hopefully I will be in a foreign country when she discovers this.

If I am indeed caught and killed, I leave everything to my wife, even though see is the reason I am dead.

This may be against blog rules, but here it goes.

I am not very good at words or expressing myself in an eloquent way.

It is not everyday that God blesses this world with a truly wonderful person in the way he blessed the world when Claudia was born.

She is my anchor. I was adrift in the world, lacking direction and purpose, until she became my world and my purpose for living.

She is the only person that I can be around all the time and never get sick of. Even when I am raging with anger towards her, my only desire is to be by her side. I could not imagine going a day without hearing her voice. She inspires me to be a better person everyday.

She is the model of patience. You need to be when you are married to me. She is an incredible mother and homemaker. Even with a plate overflowing on all sides, she constantly takes on more, trying to make our lives better.

She is incredibly beautiful. I remember waking up the morning of our honeymoon and gazing on her beautiful face and thinking; with her all disheveled, no makeup, hair undone, drooling (OK, she was not drooling), that I was laying next to the most attractive woman in the world. I still feel that way today.

She is successful in everything that she tries to accomplish and positively touches all around her.

I am blessed today and will be everyday and throughout all eternity that she is in my life.

She is my wife, my princess, my queen, my sexiperfectsy.



Emily said...

Awwwww how sweet! And what a gorgeous wedding picture!

ps. thanks for the tip about downloading the songs from the Children's hymn book. It worked great!

Eric and Cindy Hansen said...

Man... way to make all the other wives jealous! She is pretty hot:)

TonyaKuykendall said...

Don't mind me while I copy and paste into an email to my hubby with the subject "copy into a card for ME"... LOL. You're too sweet!!! You're both pretty lucky people, and I'm lucky to know you both.


Thanks babe, you mean the world to me too, and I love you more than I can describe but...... I'm' afraid I am going to have to change the password! MWAH.

mistyp said...

You two are funny! ;)

Michele said...

Not good with words, not eloquent, my eye. If only our loved ones would realize that's all they had to do for us on Valentine's day. Save your money, flowers and chocolate. Just give me a little glimpse into your heart.

Stamp With Linz said...

Wow, Pete that was deep! We all think Claudia's pretty hot too! ;) Very sweet you two!