Thursday, February 15, 2007

2006 In A Nutshell!

Well, another year has come and gone.
It really did not seem that long.
The Greenmun family an adventure had,
All in all it was not so bad.

We settled into our new house,
We discovered cockroaches but not a mouse.
The dogs love having room to play,
They try to keep all the squirrels, birds, and reptiles away.

The neighbors are all extremely nice,
We were lucky with that roll of the dice.
Scottie has a big new cage,
However, for her, walking outside is all the rage.

Dad is enjoying his job as a “Wal-Mart greeter“,
Working in the out doors could not be neater.
Every time a helicopter flies over the neighborhood,
Everyone thinks it the arrival of someone good!

Claudia’s belly grew and grew,
Until one day to the hospital we flew.
Another little angel she brought to earth,
The doctor was not around and the nurse not ready, so quick was the birth.

Ethan is a genius, that is no joke,
Well at least his parents think that he is quite the bloke.
He is obsessed with trains, walks, his bicycle, and the movie Cars,
He watches it over and over; his parents have memorized the lines and music bars.

Chloe is doing what a baby does,
Mom and Dad are low on sleep just because.
She is a “well-behaved” baby,
As long as she is fed, cleaned and burped, she will always sleep…maybe…sometimes…once in a while.

On to the adventure of 2007,
I am sure it is the year we will become rich, famous, and secure our place in heaven.
However if we do not it will be ok,
We will be glad just to have each other; we would not want it any other way.


The Nielsens said...

You are a poet.
I did not know it.

A rhyming review, how very clever.
boring and bland, oh not ever.

2006 was quite a year.
2007 already here.

Thank you for sharing, for posting this blog.
I'll take no more of your time, no I won't be a hog.

Your poem I enjoyed, it made me smile. I'll check back for more, in a little while.

karin said...

Okay, since Deena and you are poets, I am not even going to attempt a poem. I really enjoy your blog. I had to show my brother and sister the picture from this posting and we decided that we are going to steal it. You will see it later.

J & M Shumate Family said...

What a made me smile.
To write I bet it took a long while.
Gosh, you Greenmums sure are smart!
And, your family has a lot of heart.
We're so lucky you moved to our city.
You are just so very witty!

Garlic Boy said...

That is a cool picture.