We have made some changes to our blog as we have started recieving spam. You will notice that when you post a comment it will be regulated. I hope this doesn't discourage comments, but we want to take precautions and lessen the spam we have been recieving.
Keep those comments coming, I love hearing from ya'll!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Little info for friends and family...
Friday, March 14, 2008
Choice in music!
I guess it's my fault for the 2 new songs added to the music list as I didn't change the password for the blog. Peter decided to dedicate the first two songs to the kids and I. I am sure most of you gathered that those were Peter's choices as I am not a fan of country...which has been a challenge living in Texas! Anyways, I guess I sign off for today!
One Hot Mama!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Ethan and Chloe's funnies!
The other night we were having dinner and chatting. Peter was talking about some choices our family has to make when Ethan then quickly jumped in and told Peter that he needs to "choose the left!" We both just about died laughing, making sure we weren't hurting Ethan's feelings. Then Peter, the wonderful, understanding Dad that he is corrected Ethan and even broke out into song singing "Choose the Right". Ethan piped up again and told Peter that he had never heard that song but he will go with choose the right, not the left. So our conversation continued and so did dinner until Ethan then asked: "So then if we choose the left are we making bad choices?" We once again had a good chuckle and explained that there is no such thing as choosing the left unless you are deciding which direction to literally turn.
Ethan is just such a thinker and analyser and we love him for it! He often just blows us away with comments and observations that he makes. Of course most of the time he is your happy-go-lucky 3 yr old boy with all the energy in the world!
Of course I can't post this blog without a blurb about our little Chloe.
She is alot more feisty than her brother yet she also has a tender sweet side. For example she has caught onto blessing our meals really quickly. About a week ago she too started folding her arms and now even loves to say the prayer.(of course we don't understand a word, but we all chime in an Amen when she goes quiet) Yesterday we spent the day out and about as a family(Peter finally had a whole day off) and we ate lunch out. Once we were all seated with our food in front of us, Chloe then folded her arms. We usually don't bless our meals in restaurants, but thanks to our little angels example we all folded our arms, bowed our heads and blessed our lunch. Her angelic behavior pretty much ended there!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
All Aboard!
Thought I would post some pictures of our crazy family having some fun! For Ethan this is his favorite thing in the whole world!(of course until Chloe starts knocking his train off the tracks!!) Chloe has learned how to also use the remote and she is really cute to watch. In fact she watched Ethan so closely that she rocks from side to side just like he does when he is really concentrating on what his train is doing!
Friday, March 7, 2008
This is what we woke upto this morning!
Ethan was extremely excited when we pulled back the curtains this morning to find this!!
So I cranked up the heat and luckily the house is stocked with food and I don't have to go anywhere today!!!
Of course I had to take Ethan and Chloe out to experience the snow. Lasted maybe 15 minutes!!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
An exciting day!
Yesterday I felt like I was caught in a whirlwind of to-do's, with so many places to go, but we did survive the day and had a good time doing it. I thought I would share some of the highlights from our day. President Bush flew into Waco and we went to see his arrival which was alot of fun. I didn't realize how close Air Force One would pull up to us, but wow....I was pretty blown away. The President exiting the plane.
Barney in tow!!
Onto Marine One and off to the Ranch
We concluded our day at Ethan's school where he got to perform a couple of songs with his class. As soon as I have the video downloaded I will post it. It was so adorable and he had such a good time!
As for today I plan on doing absolutely nothing!