Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My sleeping beauty!

I guess yesterday was an exhausting day for Chloe. We did run alot of errands and throw in a birthday party, I guess the day was a bit hectic for her! Anyways, I was washing dishes and put Chloe in her chair with a plate of strawberries, cheese and dino-bites. She was her usual chatty self but eventually went very quiet. I know how much she loves strawberries, so I just figured she was really into them, but when I turned to check on her.....
she was completely out!
I also have found the best way to get 15 minutes of quiet time, so if I need to make some phone calls etc....I do this!

Works like a charm!


Leah said...

The question is this:
What did you put in the cup? :)
I LOVE the picture of her in the high chair asleep. Those moments are rare and when it happens it is so funny to see. She is so sweet.

I just read your comment on my blog and just thought I would tell you thank you for doing such a great job teaching the kids. After church Claire told me she wanted to make 3 more letters of her testimony to give the "the three sitting at the front." I am guessing that is you, Tina and Rachel. She is so cute. You all do such a great job. Thank you so much for all the time and love you put into your calling.

Kim said...

She is so cute!!! I just think she is the sweetest little girl!

(No, I didn't make that costume for is her dance costume for her recital on May 17th....We would love to have you come. Let me know if you want to go!)

Kari said...

I love the background and the music added to your blog. I gotta learn how to do that!

Moore Fun Stories said...

Chloe is so sweet. I love that picture of her drinking out of the straw.

mistyp said...

Such sweet pictures! Her hair has gotten so thick since we left!